Nestled in a small village in Andalucia, a heartfelt dream is taking shape - the Evently Foundation, a non-profit organisation set to create and fund weddings and events or those living with terminal or life-limiting illnesses.
When we first envisioned Evently Spain, it was about creating unforgettable moments for those celebrating love stemming from our own experience. But as we have journeyed through this enterprise, we realised that there was another calling, one even closer to our hearts. A calling to craft not just beautiful events, but deeply meaningful ones.
With every sun-kissed vineyard we looked at or age-old villa that we visited, there remained an echoing thought: what if we could craft these moments of joy for those who might be battling the sands of time a little more urgently than most? With the Evently Foundation, our dream is to create events and weddings for individuals and families living with terminal or life-limiting illnesses.
Every individual, irrespective of the circumstances they're under, deserves to have a moment that’s just about happiness, peace, and love. These moments become cherished memories, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Through the Evently Foundation, we aim to offer that – a chance to celebrate life, even in the face of its fragility.
How did this idea come to fruition? It was born from personal stories, from witnessing the power of hope in the darkest hours, and from a deep-seated belief that even in adversity, love can find its way. Our passion for events and weddings fused seamlessly with this realisation, paving the path for this heartfelt and personal initiative.
This endeavour, this dream, isn't just another string to our bow. It’s the very essence of what we believe in, and it’s carved out from the core of our beings. Every tiny detail, every ribbon, every note of music we will help select for these events is our way of pouring out our soul, our compassion, and our dedication.
Being able to pioneer this in Spain fills us with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Spain, with its warmth, its zest for life, and its embrace of love in all forms, presents the perfect backdrop for this initiative. But it's not just about the setting. It’s about the hearts and souls we touch, the stories we help weave and the lasting memories for those who have to say goodbye.
Our journey with the Evently Foundation is only just beginning, and while the road ahead might be filled with challenges, it's a path we walk with unwavering commitment and deepest sincerity. Because at the end of each journey lies a story, a memory, a moment that we helped craft. And in those moments, we find our purpose.
To all who stand with us, who believe in our dream, and who share our vision, thank you. From the very bottom of our hearts, thank you. Together, let's make moments that matter, let's inspire hope, and let’s share love in its purest, most profound form.
Join as we embark on this beautiful journey. The best is yet to come.
With all our heart and soul,
Alexandra & Daniel Waters